Sommar present till Twiin

Me and Twiin are so geeking out over the latest Bones episode everythime we see eachother, and often we connect stuff people say with quotes from bones. So I gathered two wonderful quotes, and sumed up a part of what BrenandBooth is to paint these shoes for her. Just a note, Twin loves shoes, and then I truly mean LOVE - by graduation she had about 15 pairs in her shcool locker , yeah, thats rigth in school! Just imagine what she has at home! Her favorites are highheels and ballerinor, so I hope shell like these too eventough they only fit in to one category!

enda. I'm glad we're nightclub owners, not crime solvers.". To me, Booth dream so shows how how they totally would hook up if they wernt seperated by crimes and bones. They constantly discuss their work, and how it effects who they are and prevents them from being a we, eventhough they clearly belong together.

"CHOOSING BETWEEN BRAIN AND HEART" comes from Booth saying "Bones, just take the brain. Okay? And put it in neutral. Take the heart, and put it in overdrive." in The Verdict in the Story (#3.13), and Camille saying, after Booths coma and tangled feelings for Bones, "My advice for what it's worth. Forget the bruised brain and go with the lion heart." in Harbingers in a Fountain (#5.1). Basicly its what Booth and Bones constantly struggle with; their feelings for eachother and what they should do. For me its easy; You should have eachother, love.

Both these two quotes are from a longer one, featured in The Parts in the Sum of the Whole (#5.16) when Bren and Booth remember the first time they meet, messing up Sweets book. Efterwards, they speak out about their feelings about eachother! I cant decide weather to be happy as hell or on the verge of crying! Especialy knowing what happens in the next season! LOVEEE!
Booth: I'm the gambler. I believe in giving this a chance. Look, I want to give this a shot.
Bones: You mean us? No. The FBI won't let us work together.
Booth:Don't do that! That is no reason.
[They kiss]
Bones: No. No.
Booth: Why?
Bones:[Crying] You - you thought you were protecting me. But you're the one who needs protecting.
Booth: Protection from what?
Bones: From me. I don't have your kind of open heart.