Avsluting 2011
Åter igen bestämde Frida och jag oss för att göra avslutnings presenter till Farry och Andrea. Och den här gången blev det skor!
Farrys är såklart lila! På ena skon står det I <3 K-pop eftersom hon älskar koreanpop. Nedan för står det på koreanska Music for Life. Frida och jag var egoistiska och skrev I <3 Twiins på den andra skon, och det är ju självklart att Farry älskar oss! Den koreanska texten på den skon betyder Friendship and Laughter.
Sen är ett av Farrys hjärtan blått (en av mina favvo färger) och ett grönt (fridas favofärg) för att vi ska få vbara med lite extra i skona ^^ Insidan av skorna prydde vi med blommor, i den underbara färgen rosa. Det glittriga runt är ett försök att gestalta gräs - desutom blänker det ju härligt!

Andreas skor enades vi om att de var svårare, eftersom hon är så konsnärlig och vi känner oss betydligt sämre än henne på att rita. Men vi gav det ett försök iallafall. Utsidorna har vå fiina sidekicks. Milou, Tintins hund, som följer honom i alla äventyr, vilket råkar vara en av Anddreas favorit serier. Tecknerna brevid betyder Strength.
Den andra skon pryds av Gary, Svampbob fyrkants husdjur som är helt underbart gullig. På en matte lektion någongång i ettan hade vi en fråga om Gary, vilket var oslagbart. Tecknerna på Gary-skon står för Music.
På insidorna åtnjöt jag och Frida ännu en egotripp. Lägg märke till att min färg, den underbara lila, även fick vara blomman! DÄRFÖR är lila grymt!

Farrys är såklart lila! På ena skon står det I <3 K-pop eftersom hon älskar koreanpop. Nedan för står det på koreanska Music for Life. Frida och jag var egoistiska och skrev I <3 Twiins på den andra skon, och det är ju självklart att Farry älskar oss! Den koreanska texten på den skon betyder Friendship and Laughter.
Sen är ett av Farrys hjärtan blått (en av mina favvo färger) och ett grönt (fridas favofärg) för att vi ska få vbara med lite extra i skona ^^ Insidan av skorna prydde vi med blommor, i den underbara färgen rosa. Det glittriga runt är ett försök att gestalta gräs - desutom blänker det ju härligt!

Andreas skor enades vi om att de var svårare, eftersom hon är så konsnärlig och vi känner oss betydligt sämre än henne på att rita. Men vi gav det ett försök iallafall. Utsidorna har vå fiina sidekicks. Milou, Tintins hund, som följer honom i alla äventyr, vilket råkar vara en av Anddreas favorit serier. Tecknerna brevid betyder Strength.
Den andra skon pryds av Gary, Svampbob fyrkants husdjur som är helt underbart gullig. På en matte lektion någongång i ettan hade vi en fråga om Gary, vilket var oslagbart. Tecknerna på Gary-skon står för Music.
På insidorna åtnjöt jag och Frida ännu en egotripp. Lägg märke till att min färg, den underbara lila, även fick vara blomman! DÄRFÖR är lila grymt!

Sommar present till Twiin

Me and Twiin are so geeking out over the latest Bones episode everythime we see eachother, and often we connect stuff people say with quotes from bones. So I gathered two wonderful quotes, and sumed up a part of what BrenandBooth is to paint these shoes for her. Just a note, Twin loves shoes, and then I truly mean LOVE - by graduation she had about 15 pairs in her shcool locker , yeah, thats rigth in school! Just imagine what she has at home! Her favorites are highheels and ballerinor, so I hope shell like these too eventough they only fit in to one category!

enda. I'm glad we're nightclub owners, not crime solvers.". To me, Booth dream so shows how how they totally would hook up if they wernt seperated by crimes and bones. They constantly discuss their work, and how it effects who they are and prevents them from being a we, eventhough they clearly belong together.

"CHOOSING BETWEEN BRAIN AND HEART" comes from Booth saying "Bones, just take the brain. Okay? And put it in neutral. Take the heart, and put it in overdrive." in The Verdict in the Story (#3.13), and Camille saying, after Booths coma and tangled feelings for Bones, "My advice for what it's worth. Forget the bruised brain and go with the lion heart." in Harbingers in a Fountain (#5.1). Basicly its what Booth and Bones constantly struggle with; their feelings for eachother and what they should do. For me its easy; You should have eachother, love.

Both these two quotes are from a longer one, featured in The Parts in the Sum of the Whole (#5.16) when Bren and Booth remember the first time they meet, messing up Sweets book. Efterwards, they speak out about their feelings about eachother! I cant decide weather to be happy as hell or on the verge of crying! Especialy knowing what happens in the next season! LOVEEE!
Booth: I'm the gambler. I believe in giving this a chance. Look, I want to give this a shot.
Bones: You mean us? No. The FBI won't let us work together.
Booth:Don't do that! That is no reason.
[They kiss]
Bones: No. No.
Booth: Why?
Bones:[Crying] You - you thought you were protecting me. But you're the one who needs protecting.
Booth: Protection from what?
Bones: From me. I don't have your kind of open heart.
Something new and something blue
This time, I tried something new. I glued on cotton lace! And I think it looks real nice. It kinda gives it a new dimention, my paining I mean. Also I have compleatly covered the buckle in pink - booth outside and inside. Honestly, Im insanely proud of these ones. Just look at them! They´re gourgeos!
Isnt the butterfly nice? Its the same ones I did on Maddes, only those where on the outside. The signs on the heals besides the butterflys means Love and Laughter. And, I almost forgot: the sea on these ones are lined with glitter blue - a great detail if I may say that myself.
I just cant stop congratulate my self over these ones - and now theyre mine! Originally they where meant for my granma as a birthday gift, but they didnt really fit - so now theyre mine instead. Fourtunaly, as I really didnt want to give them away!!

Im soo proud right now!
Isnt the butterfly nice? Its the same ones I did on Maddes, only those where on the outside. The signs on the heals besides the butterflys means Love and Laughter. And, I almost forgot: the sea on these ones are lined with glitter blue - a great detail if I may say that myself.
I just cant stop congratulate my self over these ones - and now theyre mine! Originally they where meant for my granma as a birthday gift, but they didnt really fit - so now theyre mine instead. Fourtunaly, as I really didnt want to give them away!!

Im soo proud right now!
De här var då till min gamla bardoms kompis Carro <3
De två flickorna föreställer självklart oss två, från en sommar då vi campade i Gamleby. Vi hade identiska kläder, Carro i blått och jag i rosa. Vi var underbart sööta. Det var ochså den ången som Calle kom på spagettilåten. Jag saknar oss tre, och alla sommrar Carro och jag haft tillsammans. Tänk om man fick vara liten igen <3 <3

Ja, jag medger att jag gick lite crazy när det kom till insidorna, men det var bara så himla kul! Jag så älskar det lila bandet, det avskiljer allt jätte bra. Kaninen är underbar, och jag älskar även nyckelpigan och snigeln. Beundra skosnörerna föressten - illrosa :)

Jag saknar oss Carro <3
De två flickorna föreställer självklart oss två, från en sommar då vi campade i Gamleby. Vi hade identiska kläder, Carro i blått och jag i rosa. Vi var underbart sööta. Det var ochså den ången som Calle kom på spagettilåten. Jag saknar oss tre, och alla sommrar Carro och jag haft tillsammans. Tänk om man fick vara liten igen <3 <3

Ja, jag medger att jag gick lite crazy när det kom till insidorna, men det var bara så himla kul! Jag så älskar det lila bandet, det avskiljer allt jätte bra. Kaninen är underbar, och jag älskar även nyckelpigan och snigeln. Beundra skosnörerna föressten - illrosa :)

Jag saknar oss Carro <3
Mr Mårten
Storlek 46 - skor stora som båtar. Och nu mer, bokstavligen båtar.

I must say that I really love these chunks! The gourgeous blue color, the butterflies, the simple text, the beautiful signs.. pretty mush everything. These are among my top three favorites among with mine and my sisters shoes, and Im almost considering keeping them for my self. But I wont do that, because they belong to Madde.

The front sign in chinese means "Believe" and the one behind (which is covered by the front shoe, so just imagine it beeing there.. ) say "Strength". This make more sense considering that I intentionally meant these for a friend of mine who has a tatto saying pretty much that.. but they ended up beeing for her mother. The design of the butterflies just came to me one evening drawing and I must say that I really love them, they´re so cute!

So´one inside has this text "me and my girls forever" mostly because she is such a great and loving mother. The small white heart in forever is one of my favorite details. I also kind of adore the black wannabe-lace ribbon i painted at the top of the shoe - in these pics its not all way round but it is on the shoes right now.

The three dates are the birthdates of her daughters. Since I know she loves having them represented (has it booth in tattoo and necklace) I just had to do it and I think it actually became very nice. I love how simple yet beautiful it is.. Alos, notice the water splattering on the mittle thingie you tie the laces over! Cant wait to give them to Madde! :)

The front sign in chinese means "Believe" and the one behind (which is covered by the front shoe, so just imagine it beeing there.. ) say "Strength". This make more sense considering that I intentionally meant these for a friend of mine who has a tatto saying pretty much that.. but they ended up beeing for her mother. The design of the butterflies just came to me one evening drawing and I must say that I really love them, they´re so cute!

So´one inside has this text "me and my girls forever" mostly because she is such a great and loving mother. The small white heart in forever is one of my favorite details. I also kind of adore the black wannabe-lace ribbon i painted at the top of the shoe - in these pics its not all way round but it is on the shoes right now.

The three dates are the birthdates of her daughters. Since I know she loves having them represented (has it booth in tattoo and necklace) I just had to do it and I think it actually became very nice. I love how simple yet beautiful it is.. Alos, notice the water splattering on the mittle thingie you tie the laces over! Cant wait to give them to Madde! :)
Twiin visited me earlier this week, and we sat out in the extremly warm april sun and painted shoes. This is her result, with a beautiful bones theme :)

"I got you baby" said by Booth to Brenn while he is hugging her <3
"King of the Lab" is now Hodgins as Zack has taken the title King of the loonybin <3

The closes one has "friendship" written in chinese, and the back one says "family". I love the small faces for the air holes ^^

Me and Frida posing in our lovley chunks! <3 Now, arent we just plain awsome or what?!

"I got you baby" said by Booth to Brenn while he is hugging her <3
"King of the Lab" is now Hodgins as Zack has taken the title King of the loonybin <3

The closes one has "friendship" written in chinese, and the back one says "family". I love the small faces for the air holes ^^

Me and Frida posing in our lovley chunks! <3 Now, arent we just plain awsome or what?!
For a little cute girl named Josefine :) *singing happy birthday*
These butterflys where the first thing i ever attempted with my new pens, so they are a bit odd. Furthermore, the letters are also the first of their kind - thin strands of colour outlinded by pop-up colour, which by the way is really hard to use. The J got a bit odd, but im quite happy with the W :)

These butterflys where the first thing i ever attempted with my new pens, so they are a bit odd. Furthermore, the letters are also the first of their kind - thin strands of colour outlinded by pop-up colour, which by the way is really hard to use. The J got a bit odd, but im quite happy with the W :)

Pon and Zi once again
I so adore pon and zi! They are so simple yet so utterly cute <3
The first once i did was a little better, but i guss these works as well though i need to practice drawing azuzephre a bit more... Maybe i´ll add a snail to these two too, or prehaps someting else - so hey are more unique. Anyways, they are for a far relative/ friend, and i so hope she´ll like them :)

The first once i did was a little better, but i guss these works as well though i need to practice drawing azuzephre a bit more... Maybe i´ll add a snail to these two too, or prehaps someting else - so hey are more unique. Anyways, they are for a far relative/ friend, and i so hope she´ll like them :)

Rött är en färg
Istället för godis kör vi skor i påskägg! Annorlunda är bra ;D
De röda är till en av mina kusiner, som helt avgudar färgen rött. Med mario och bomben (är min nya supermario-favvo), och Luigi och en elak sådandär svampig grej (har ingen aning om vad de är för någona) :) Och stjäääärrrrnoooor :)

Blixten McQueen och såklart Bergarn - till den yngre av kusinerna :)

UPDATE AFTER EASTER: So I gave the shoes to my sweet cousins (though they had to search some for the little easterbunny had hiddden them and a pair of notes leading to their locations - way to go little bunny ;D ). The older one, who got the red ones with Mario and Luigi totally adored his - he put them on immediately which made me so glad :D The other one though, had appearently outgrown "Cars" so he stubbornly refused to tough the shoes.. Well, that happens. It would be easier with girls - they always love princesses ;D
De röda är till en av mina kusiner, som helt avgudar färgen rött. Med mario och bomben (är min nya supermario-favvo), och Luigi och en elak sådandär svampig grej (har ingen aning om vad de är för någona) :) Och stjäääärrrrnoooor :)

Blixten McQueen och såklart Bergarn - till den yngre av kusinerna :)

UPDATE AFTER EASTER: So I gave the shoes to my sweet cousins (though they had to search some for the little easterbunny had hiddden them and a pair of notes leading to their locations - way to go little bunny ;D ). The older one, who got the red ones with Mario and Luigi totally adored his - he put them on immediately which made me so glad :D The other one though, had appearently outgrown "Cars" so he stubbornly refused to tough the shoes.. Well, that happens. It would be easier with girls - they always love princesses ;D
Maj barn
Födelsedags present till ett litet maj-barn, som fortfarande hoppas att hon är ett barn ^^
Väldigt fin rosa, med Pon och Zi <3 <3 och en ubergullig sniiiigel :D

Väldigt fin rosa, med Pon och Zi <3 <3 och en ubergullig sniiiigel :D

Malin söötnoos
Min nya hobby är nu sko-måleri! Det är helt sjukt kul!
Så här är skorna jag gjorde till malin till alla hjärtans dag <3

Så här är skorna jag gjorde till malin till alla hjärtans dag <3

Moon and Sun
Inspirerat av Bridge to Terabithia <3 Ska köpa en tunn svart penna och skriva citat från Terabithia och Sanctuary <3 <3

Och tada!

The Phoenix is featured in the theme to bridge to terabithia, and it just happened to be a blue one aswell. The moon and the sun has a strong meaning for me, originating from Annas story (in My Sisters Keeper) that I love.
"Always keep your mind wide open" is from Terabithia, said by Leslie to Jess <3 oh my, how I love that story. (the great ones) "Dare to believe in the unbelieveble" is probably my favorite quotes of all time! From Sanctuary <3 <3

Och tada!

The Phoenix is featured in the theme to bridge to terabithia, and it just happened to be a blue one aswell. The moon and the sun has a strong meaning for me, originating from Annas story (in My Sisters Keeper) that I love.
"Always keep your mind wide open" is from Terabithia, said by Leslie to Jess <3 oh my, how I love that story. (the great ones) "Dare to believe in the unbelieveble" is probably my favorite quotes of all time! From Sanctuary <3 <3