The dot

Have you guys heard the story of the girl painting a dot? It's so beautiful!  I'll try to find it - meanwhile, dot nails :-)

Let's remake this business

Title quote from..? :D Awesome movie!

Strawberry Shortcake


Mmm, midsommar


Tiny nails

 So small! Not like actual baby fingers, but the nails are tiny! Did she have to cut them so close?! Anyway, midsummer inspired nails on Annelie, my not-related aunt. Miss her! <3

Finding nails

Tada! Twoo awesome fishies. Maybe not the best painted one, but points for being some awsome fishies! :) I mean, dory and I are practically soulemates. Were exactly the same cuz.. wait, I dont rememeber...

Pink and Pretty

These are actually my favorites, long term and all. First, they are pink. Secondly, they are really pretty. And thirdly, since its not all colored or dark they will stay longer. Plus, did I say pink? 
Truly pink, pretty and awesome!

Hej Nalle Puh, Hej Nalle Puh

My first efford of painting animated nails, or any kind of pattern or image whatsoever. Must say it was rather sucessful :)

Merry Christmas Twiin

My christmas gift for my sweetest Twiin who has an unhealthy addiction to coffe, and prefer to drink it in HUGE cups (about four times the size of an ordinary cup) cuz she is simply crazy. But very lovable.
So, here is her HUGE cup with a day/night theme (and both in swedish and english cuz we're wierd like that), and ofcourse the sun/moon theme I love (like at my shoes). :) Merry Christmas hon <3


Midsommar tårta

Här är sommarens tårta, med handgjorda blad och roser :) 

Song of the Mockingjay

After the Series The Hunger Games, where Katniss meets the young Rue - the yellow flower singning for the Mockingjays.


 *She sings songs I've never heard in a clear, melodic voice one and one through the night*

Win for both of us

SURVIVIOR - wholehearted trust <3

I see her in the yellow flowers that grow in the meadow. In the mockingjays that sings in the tree. In all beautiful <3

She will always be with me

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise
Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

<3 <3 <3

My Twiin

I love this paper, I actually bought a big bunch of more just like it at a sale - they are made with the embroidery allready in place, which is so gourgeous. I made this one of me and Frida, the twiins. As usual, I tried a lot of new things. for example the gold in the roses made with my gule pen which became really nice, except for the small detail that some keeps falling of and theres now a small pile of gold dust on the floor.
The top quote is from one of our favorite movies; the wonderful Tangled, more specifically the song "I see the light" which is so beautiful. The other quote is a smaller one, and actually from a song aswell, but this fom Glee when Brittany sings - it such a powerful and energizing preformance - I love it. And the rest is just me adding what ever pops in to my head, unlike how I used to do it, I had no planning this time, and just let it happen, but I think it turned out nice either way :)
Love ya TWIIN <3

Greetings from Germany

My adorable friend Lisa drew this beautiful picture of the two of us in Northern Ireland. When she came over to Sweden over Christmas she gave it to me, and I totally love it! It is so beautiful, You're really talented Lisa, thanks you so much! <3


As you might know, Im a HUGE fan of Brittana. They are the cutest couple and fit so well together - plus the fact that both characters has some awsome personalities.... Brittana <3

By Frida

This piece I got for Christmas by my dear Frida, also a gleek ofcourse, and I LOVE IT. It is so unlike my way of dooing scrapbooking, which is so fun to see. And the content is wonderful! Thank you hon, its beautiful! <3


Firstly; I know the pictures suck - I took them with my cell (bad quality) way after christmas (a bit washed out by then too). Anyways, the can was made for my aunt Anita, who actually wished for one. I think I gave her one with flowers about six years ago too, only then you could barely understand they were flowers... This one is a bitt better, and I actually loved the stencil I used - its a gourgeous tattoo I found ^^ Sucessfully re-invented!


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