Mass Angel
Ive now made about 20 angels, all in diffrent colours. Its like a angelrainbow. A few are made as mobile jewelery, and theres a few stars. Most of them are as gift for my host families in Northernireland, but one specific cute green one I gave to my sister. She was thrilled. Thank you for beeing you <3

Postat av: chockladbullen <3
Ohh looord vaaa fiiina!, How come you don't have an angel hanging down from your phone när du ändå har de där snyggingarna ? *.-
Postat av: Erika
My stupid phone cant have one :( I've tried like a zillion times :'(
Guess thats just the world telling me to switch back to my old phone ;) Oh, how I miss my old non-touchscreen twelvebuttoned phone :D
Postat av: chockladbullen <3
Meen vilken apa! =(
Hahahahah, Waassuup Grandma! I don't miss them soo much, the only thing worth missing is their battery time, These new ones are sick and you need to charge them every freakin day =( I only needed to charge my old lg once every four day ^^
HAHAHAHAHAHAhahah "twelvebuttoned"...Did you count them? =P