Someone Special
For a english assignment my sister was supposed to write a text about someone special. She choose me <3 That may be the cutest think anyone has ever done to me. I used a part of her text here, along with one of our favorite pictures of us. I love you, baby sis, you are amazing <3

quotes for all eternity

Poem from A Walk to Remember <3

The end of Annas story of how the humans came to earth <3 from My Sisters Keeper <3
My little baby scarpbooking got acompained by two friends a few weeks ago. Here is the result.
The "For All Eternity" one is less then 4x4, the quote is ofcourse by John Druitt, said about his love to Helen Magnus <3 The other one, "The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable" I love, it is probably the most amazing line Damian kindler has ever written! Said by Helen to Will when he first arrive at the Sanctuary <3 <3
Här är ialla fall ett glas jag gjorde till mig själv med sötaste Pascal när han precis stuckit tungan i Flynns öra för andra gången.. underbaraste filmen <3

Det andra glaset gjorde jag till mallan, på baksidan står det Precious Baby Sis <3 Det kinesiska tecknet på framsidan betyder kärlek. <3

The Braided Girl with the Little Bird
For a little cute girl named Josefine :) *singing happy birthday*
These butterflys where the first thing i ever attempted with my new pens, so they are a bit odd. Furthermore, the letters are also the first of their kind - thin strands of colour outlinded by pop-up colour, which by the way is really hard to use. The J got a bit odd, but im quite happy with the W :)

These butterflys where the first thing i ever attempted with my new pens, so they are a bit odd. Furthermore, the letters are also the first of their kind - thin strands of colour outlinded by pop-up colour, which by the way is really hard to use. The J got a bit odd, but im quite happy with the W :)

Pon and Zi once again
I so adore pon and zi! They are so simple yet so utterly cute <3
The first once i did was a little better, but i guss these works as well though i need to practice drawing azuzephre a bit more... Maybe i´ll add a snail to these two too, or prehaps someting else - so hey are more unique. Anyways, they are for a far relative/ friend, and i so hope she´ll like them :)

The first once i did was a little better, but i guss these works as well though i need to practice drawing azuzephre a bit more... Maybe i´ll add a snail to these two too, or prehaps someting else - so hey are more unique. Anyways, they are for a far relative/ friend, and i so hope she´ll like them :)

Rött är en färg
Istället för godis kör vi skor i påskägg! Annorlunda är bra ;D
De röda är till en av mina kusiner, som helt avgudar färgen rött. Med mario och bomben (är min nya supermario-favvo), och Luigi och en elak sådandär svampig grej (har ingen aning om vad de är för någona) :) Och stjäääärrrrnoooor :)

Blixten McQueen och såklart Bergarn - till den yngre av kusinerna :)

UPDATE AFTER EASTER: So I gave the shoes to my sweet cousins (though they had to search some for the little easterbunny had hiddden them and a pair of notes leading to their locations - way to go little bunny ;D ). The older one, who got the red ones with Mario and Luigi totally adored his - he put them on immediately which made me so glad :D The other one though, had appearently outgrown "Cars" so he stubbornly refused to tough the shoes.. Well, that happens. It would be easier with girls - they always love princesses ;D
De röda är till en av mina kusiner, som helt avgudar färgen rött. Med mario och bomben (är min nya supermario-favvo), och Luigi och en elak sådandär svampig grej (har ingen aning om vad de är för någona) :) Och stjäääärrrrnoooor :)

Blixten McQueen och såklart Bergarn - till den yngre av kusinerna :)

UPDATE AFTER EASTER: So I gave the shoes to my sweet cousins (though they had to search some for the little easterbunny had hiddden them and a pair of notes leading to their locations - way to go little bunny ;D ). The older one, who got the red ones with Mario and Luigi totally adored his - he put them on immediately which made me so glad :D The other one though, had appearently outgrown "Cars" so he stubbornly refused to tough the shoes.. Well, that happens. It would be easier with girls - they always love princesses ;D
Maj barn
Födelsedags present till ett litet maj-barn, som fortfarande hoppas att hon är ett barn ^^
Väldigt fin rosa, med Pon och Zi <3 <3 och en ubergullig sniiiigel :D

Väldigt fin rosa, med Pon och Zi <3 <3 och en ubergullig sniiiigel :D